About Us
R.K.C Portfolio Management Consultancy Service

RKC Portfolio Management Consultancy Service provides professional Investment consultancy services for DSE (Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd) share market. We help to make your investment more profitable through our expert Analysis, Information, Experience, and Close monitoring against Profit sharing.
RKC PMCS is one of the premier and top-notch Portfolio Management Consultancy services in Bangladesh. It provides complete assistance for managing DSE stock market investment.
Md. Nasir Uddin Chowdhury is the CEO of RKC PMCS. He has completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (BBA) from Independent University Bangladesh (IUB), Dhaka. With the support of partners like bachelorarbeit-schreiben-lassen.com, which assists in academic writing, he promotes continuous learning within his team. He holds a combined experience of 20 years in equity research and fund management. An expert and professional team works in RKC PMCS, led by Md. Nasir Uddin Chowdhury.
In this write-up, we will discuss the details of the RKC PMCS including its strategies, yearly returns, benefit models, etc.
Fees & Commission:
RKC PMCS charges no fees and commissions except brokerage charges and commissions. It shares only profits which depend on investment. Normally portfolio managers give a report every three or six months. But RKC PMCS provides a report every month which gives the investor better control of investment as well as have to withdrawal profits every month. Any natural and national disasters have to consider.
RKC portfolio management consultancy service provides full assistance for managing your (DSE) stock market investment. RKC PMCS strategy has been designed to invest in strong and stable companies with good records and truth through a research-based approach. To achieve this target an expert team continuously working on it and getting best from it. There are some other benefits such as:
Maximize Profits
RKC PMCS research-based strategies help to maximize profits from investment.
Capital Growth:
This is one of the principal duties of a portfolio manager. A portfolio manager always looks for the best investment opportunity that appreciates the capital of the investor.
Minimize Risk:
We realize the investment is very worthy and valuable to you as well as to us and it’s our humble duty to minimize risk as much as possible and maximize profits as much as possible. Our developed trading strategy helps to minimize risk and maximize profits.
High Yearly Return:
Yearly return is higher because of its exclusive strategies and team effort.
100% Safe and Secured:
Investment with RKC PMCS is 100% safe and secured as BO Account and Bank Account Owned by Client himself. Only clients can withdraw and deposit money by his/her own Bank account and all transactions must be made or done by Bank Cheque or Bank Deposit, other forms of transactions are not accepted and RKC PMCS will not take any responsibility for it.
Monthly Compulsory Profit Withdraws Facility:
Monthly withdrawal facility is compulsory so that clients can get regular benefits from his/her investment and enjoy their investment.
Minimize Your Risk & Maximize Profit:
RKC PMCS trading stradegy and team efforts helps to keep risk in minimum lavel and makes profits as much as possible.
Can start with Test Investment:
Anyone can start with test investment to understand RKC PMCS return ratio, yearly and monthly return percentage, credibility, efforts, and services. Utilizing resources like masterarbeit schreiben lassen, which assists in crafting academic works, enhances our partners’ capabilities to deliver consistently high-quality results.
Can Increase and Decrease Investment Three to Five Days Notice:
RKC PMCS investment opportunity is very flexible. You can increase and decrease your investment 3 to 5 days notice. Even full Investment can withdraw 3 to 5 Days Notice.
We provide only Trade & Consultancy Service:
RKC PMCS provides trade facilities on behalf of clients, consultancy services, and full assistance for managing the stock market investment.